Sep 11, 2011

ERWIN #1 – In Scotland

Erwin the verbally abusive robot in Scotland

Serg has written about 30 of these. They are all done in poor taste.
Drawn [poorly] by me.

Sep 3, 2011

MetaRod #3 – The Fear

MetaRod 3 - The Fear

Based on Rodrigo Constanzo and his fear that in his old age one day he’ll just settle. Picasso, at the end of his life, focused on pottery…Bill Frisell is now doing an album of just straight John Lennon covers…

Aug 29, 2011

MetaRod #2 – Drum Solo

MetaRod2 - Drum Solo

Based on Rodrigo Constanzo.
Here’s a video where he’s working that floor tom.

Nothing Rhymes With Rats (Trade Paperback)
This 140 page, perfect bound book collects the comic strips that take our rats on a journey of self discovery–from the cage and nihilism to transcendent hope. Get it HERE.

Paradoxical Book 1
Reluctant, time-travelling, twins have to solve a paranormal murder mystery set in 1920s Miami. It was co-created with writer Jason Chestnut. We’ve included the first two issues in this 52 page comic book. Get it HERE.

Bastet’s Rats Nest 
Our two rats are at it again. This time caught-up in a National Treasure type caper that takes them deeper and deeper into the occult. Co-created with Ramsey Janini, it’s a wild ride. Get the 52 page comic HERE.