UR Performance: Black
UR: Black, (121 x 163cm) Created on June 30, 2011 at Islington Mill. UR Black is a first in an on-going series, coordinated by Helmut Lemke as part of the UR Performance group.
I love this painting.
Next week I’ll be attending and contributing to UR: Red, and it hit me that I hadn’t made a post about the first one of these that was ever held–which Takahashi’s attended. This is that entry. I would apologize for its tardiness, but let’s get real: this is one of those dark corners of the internet that only bots come to…and they don’t understand human emotion.
Here are some photos of the event that someone else took, which I found on the UR Performance website. The first ones are of Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern performing. The last four are of Andrew Parker and I collaboratively working on a painting that required us to follow some rules we had come up with.
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Sketchy Miami
There’s this site, Sketchy Miami, where people from Miami put up photos of themselves and then Miami artists can choose to draw them. I wrote the guys that run it, asking if I still qualify as a “Miami artist” even though I currently live in England, since I wanted to play by the rules. They got back to me the same day extending a warm welcome to their page. These are my “sketchys” (or you can see them on my sketchy artist page):
NRWR #6 – Walking Down the Nihl
I feel like I’m on a little roll with these. Normally I do about one a year just to reset from “serious art” mode, but I’ve just banged two out within 24 hrs. (I guess I have a lot to flush out). I’m going to do this thing where I schedule this to post in the future. A week from the last one sounds like a good amount of time. Also, I wouldn’t want to devalue the brand* releasing two, one after the other, all willy-nilly.
Nothing Rhymes With Rats is written by Ramsey Janini and drawn and edited by me.
If you have a good idea for a strip, just email me.
NRWR #5 – Bedtime
I decided to make another NRWR as I have a few more days off work this week, so wanted to start and finish a small project. Also, just having re-vamped my webpage as a wordpress, I wanted to take this baby out for a test drive and easily upload ‘some content’. Its very satisfying.
As usual, NRWR is written by Ramsey Janini. He’s written a ton of them, and something about them keeps me coming back to make more…even if that cycle is about a year long!
If you have a strip you’ve written that you think is pretty good send it my way.