Browsing articles in "collaboration"
Mar 17, 2012


MP3 (8:55) of our TSC performance (creative commons BY, so download and remix if you wish)
VIDEO of the event with Takahashi as the first act

Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern performed at Trinity Church on March 15th 2012 for a Videoformers event. I used the new set up, which means I was controlling the light source using a wii-mote, in conjunction with my voice/breathing, in conjunction with Max/MSP.  There are still lots of things to improve on with this set up. I’d like to get my left hand free again. I feel too restricted not being able to use it, even if its not the hand I draw/paint with. It wasn’t the best performance, and didn’t yield the best painting, but it reinforced my feelings about refining things and needing to push forward.

On the video you’ll also be able to see other performances from Helmut Lemke, and Kate Freeborough.


Nov 25, 2011

TSC in Liverpool

On November 24, 2011. We played an event hosted by the Liverpool-based improv group, Frakture.

They’ve written an excellent post about the whole night but here’s what they said about us:

“We are introduced Combine as a first of a new platform combining music, sound and art which will consist of three acts. The first act is Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern who have set up in the corner of the room, Angela Guyton beckons the audience nearer or they’ll miss out. She and the audience are gathered around a blank canvas and she begins to mark the canvas. This action is accompanied by a roaring crushing sound it’s apparent that the canvas and Angelas herself has been transformed into an instrument. Of course associations with action painting spring to mind and Harold Rosenberg’s ascertain that art lies within its creation rather than with the final product.

What also comes to mind is the almost synesthetic nature of creating art, how the sound of pen scrapping across paper, brush across canvas even your own breathing become somehow part of the process. Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern have created a piece which amplifies these private moments into the public realm providing us the audience the opportunity to consider the creative process and the production of art.”

Nov 8, 2011

TSC performs at a Tubers Music Event

TSC at Tubers Music

This is one of my favorite paintings.
As with most paintings in their “post-performance” state, this work is available for purchase unstretched. That means if you buy it I’ll send it to you rolled up / it won’t be stretched on a wooden stretcher / it will be free flowing canvas.

There were the faint sounds of fireworks exploding in the background, and walls hundreds of years old are great places to see shadows moving.

Dave Birchall invited us [Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern] to perform at a Tubers Music event held on November 5th, 2011 at St. Margaret’s Church in Withington.

TSC, was just Rod and I for this performance. On these occasions, when he and I improvise one on one, we tend to invite more space and silence.  It is a different dynamic. (Unfortunately, Anton wasn’t at this performance as he was recording an album with his big band, Beats & Pieces.)

Nov 2, 2011

TSC at Seeing Sound

On October 29, 2011 Takahashi’s Shellfish Concern performed at the second annual Seeing Sound Symposium, held at Bath Spa University (organized by Dr. Joseph Hyde). Here’s a video of our performance.

seeing sound

Sep 25, 2011

ERWIN #4 – Constipation

Erwin #4 - Constipation

I’ve been trying to wrap my head around quaternions and spatial rotation for the past 48 hrs — making poo-poo jokes all the more necessary.

Nothing Rhymes With Rats (Trade Paperback)
This 140 page, perfect bound book collects the comic strips that take our rats on a journey of self discovery–from the cage and nihilism to transcendent hope. Get it HERE.

Paradoxical Book 1
Reluctant, time-travelling, twins have to solve a paranormal murder mystery set in 1920s Miami. It was co-created with writer Jason Chestnut. We’ve included the first two issues in this 52 page comic book. Get it HERE.

Bastet’s Rats Nest 
Our two rats are at it again. This time caught-up in a National Treasure type caper that takes them deeper and deeper into the occult. Co-created with Ramsey Janini, it’s a wild ride. Get the 52 page comic HERE.